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Exporting & Sharing Your Video

Learn the different Export options available in CANVID so you can save and share high-quality videos quickly and easily.

Lorenz Cruz
Lorenz Cruz
September 11, 2024

Once you’ve completed customizing your video in the CANVID Editor, it’s time to export and share it.

Click Export at the upper right corner of the CANVID Editor.

The Export button at the upper-right corner of the CANVID Editor

Export Dialog Box

The Export Settings Dialog Box
  • Title: Change the file name of your video.
  • Export to: Select the save location for your video by clicking the folder icon.
  • Format:
    • MP4: Common format for high-resolution videos suitable for most online platforms.
    • GIF: Ideal for short, looped animations.
  • Framerate:
    • MP4: Choose between 30 or 60 frames per second (FPS).
    • GIF: Export at 10, 15, or 30 FPS.
  • Resolution:
    • MP4: Export in 720p, 1080p, or 4K (coming soon).
    • GIF: Choose from 480p, 720p, or 1080p.
  • Quality (MP4 only): You can change the compression quality of your export. Higher values mean lower compression, resulting in better video quality.

Creating a Share Link (CANVID Gallery)

Enable this option to upload and share your video to the cloud.
  • If you pre-purchased a CANVID license, toggle on the feature to automatically upload your exported videos online to the CANVID Gallery.
  • This generates a shareable link for online sharing.

Exporting Your Video

After changing your Export settings, click Export to file to save your video.

  • Export time may vary depending on the following:
    • Your hardware specifications
    • Export Settings (format, quality, framerate)

When finished, you will get a confirmation message: 

The Export dialog box after a successful export process in CANVID
  • Click Open folder to quickly go to your video’s location in your local drive.
  • Click Manage Video to open a new browser tab which will take you to the video’s share page.
  • The Copy Link button allows you to quickly share your uploaded video to anyone online.

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